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Homography package for Python

A 2D homography from \(\left(\begin{smallmatrix}x \\ y\end{smallmatrix}\right)\) to \(\left(\begin{smallmatrix}x' \\ y'\end{smallmatrix}\right)\) can be represented by 8 parameters \((a,b,\ldots h)\), organized in a 3x3 matrix. The transformation rule is as follows:

\[\begin{split}\begin{pmatrix} x_0 \\ y_0 \\ z_0 \end{pmatrix} &= \begin{pmatrix} a & b & c \\ d & e & f \\ g & h & 1 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} x \\ y \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} \\ \begin{pmatrix} x' \\ y' \end{pmatrix} &= \frac{1}{z_0} \begin{pmatrix} x_0 \\ y_0 \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]

homography module

library for 2d homographies.

The Homography object represents a 2D homography as a 3x3 matrix. Homographies can be applied directly on numpy arrays or Shapely points using the “call operator” (brackets), composed using * and inverted using ~.

This module supports basic operations, conversion methods and utilities. Sample usage:

>>> h = Homography.translation(5, -1) * Homography.rotation(90)
>>> h.as_ndarray().astype(int)
array([[ 0,  1,  5],
       [-1,  0, -1],
       [ 0,  0,  1]])
>>> print(h([[0, 0],[1, 0],[1 ,1]]))
[[ 5. -1.]
 [ 5. -2.]
 [ 6. -2.]]
>>> print(~h*h)
[[1. 0. 0.]
 [0. 1. 0.]
 [0. 0. 1.]]
>>> print((~h)(h([12, 34])))
[12. 34.]
class homography.Homography(other=None)

The 3x3 homography transformation matrix contains 8 free parameters and represents transfromation from \((x,y)\) to \((x',y')\) as follows:

  | x0 |   | a  b  c | | x |
  | y0 | = | d  e  f | | y |
  | z0 |   | g  h  1 | | 1 |

x' = x0 / z0
y' = y0 / z0

Constructs itself from Homography, Affine or 3x3 mat. The default constuctor returns the identity homography.

classmethod identity()
classmethod translation(x, y)
classmethod scale(x, y=None)
classmethod rotation(angle_deg)
classmethod from_affine(aff)

aff (affine.Affine) – the affine to convert from

Return type


classmethod from_dict(d)

Ignores projective part.


Rough approximation of how non-affine is the homography.

apply(x, y, z=1)

Direct multiplication with H, returns 3-vector. deprecated? consider using __call__()


Return self==value.

equal(other, eps=1e-06)
norm(width=1, height=1)

Homography norm in pix, estimated on image with given width, height.

dist_sourcespace(other, width=1, height=1)

Distance between homographies in source space, estimated on output image with given width, height.

dist(other, width=1, height=1)

Distance between homographies in output space, estimated on image with given width, height.

dist_bidirectional(other, width=1, height=1)

Distance between homographies as max between distance in source and image space. Estimated on image with given width, height.

rel_dist(other, width=1, height=1)

Distance between homographies, estimated on image with given size, and normalized by the diagonal length.


Calculates the shift applied to the specified point when the homography is applied. Input point can be a 1D 2 element numpy array or a Shapely point

>>> print(Homography.scale(3).get_shift_at_point([1, -2]))
[ 2. -4.]

Returns submatrix, e.g.:

>>> print(Homography.identity()[2, 1:])
[0. 1.]
__module__ = 'homography'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Call self as a function.

homography.from_points(src, dst)

Find homography that transforms four source points ‘src’ to destination points ‘dst’. Both specified as 4x2 arrays, or lists of 4 shapely Point objects